New Home::1 ADSL Terabyte service
NEWS Closed Broadband and Ethernet
Mar 06, 01:25 PM (8¾ years ago)
Broadband and Ethernet
Mar 06, 01:42 PM (8¾ years ago)
Mar 30, 09:16 AM (8¾ years ago)
2221 / AA2221
    8¾ years ago by Adrian

    Following the recent launch of our special Home::1 VDSL Terabyte package we are planning a new ADSL version.

    Home::1 ADSL Terabyte will be just like normal Home::1 ADSL services but offering 1TB download allowance per month, then slowing to 3Mb/s if you hit the limit. No top-up or excess charges.

    The service will be £40/month including VAT, but not including the phone line. You will need a phone line with someone, or we can provide a broadband only line for £10/month as usual.

    The service is only available on TalkTalk back-haul, so not available everywhere. Anyone on BT back-haul will have 14 day lead time and a short outage on the line to regrade. Anyone on TalkTalk back-haul will just have this as a normal tariff change applied from the next bill date. Either way, no cost to change to this. The install price as a new service is the same as normal Home::1

    At present we are waiting to resolve the capacity issues with Talk Talk back-haul across our core network before we launch the new package, so it should be available later this month.

    8¾ years ago by Adrian

    Expected to launch tomorrow - just confirming the new capacity upgrades work as expected tonight.

    8¾ years ago by Adrian

    Now launched.

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