Last 10 News posts, sorted by last updated
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NEWS Info Accounts
Sep 09, 12:00 AM (6½ months ago)
Due to a BACS issue, Direct Debits on 9th will be collected on 10th. This is within the 3 working days allowed, so no separate notice of collections will be sent. Sorry for any confusion this may cause.

NEWS Info Broadband
Aug 22, 12:00 AM (7 months ago)
We are now on the ramp up process for one touch switching, allowing switching to/from a number of other providers using One Touch Switching. Currently:
  • Brighton Fibre
  • broadband for Surrey Hills Limited
  • BRSK Limited
  • BT
  • Cuckoo Limited
  • EE
  • G.Network Communications Limited
  • Hyperoptic Limited
  • Now
  • Plusnet
  • Sky
  • TalkTalk
  • Utility Warehouse Limited
  • Virgin Media (Virgin Media O2)
  • Vodafone UK
  • WightFibre
  • Zen Internet
  • YouFibre Limited
  • Zzoomm plc
  • More CPs added over next few days. Lots of work on daily calls to make this all work for 12th.

    NEWS Info Broadband
    Aug 09, 04:01 PM (7½ months ago)

    This is a reminder than our "anti slamming" service will stop on 12th Sep 2024. Sorry.

    This is a result of OFCOM mandated One Touch Switching process, and consequential changes by BT.

    We do offer the option on broadband lines to tell us a new surname for your service, which will make a "match" using One Touch Switching fail if not correct. This may help residential customers, and OTS may also avoid some mistakes happening.

    However, migration of a service away from us will be possible without One Touch Switching, with no checks, no surname or account match, and no way for us to stop it, and at little or no notice, from 12th Sep 2024, for residential and business customers.

    If you suffer slamming we will try and work with you, and see if migrating back quickly is possible or the right thing for you. But there can be costs implications we have yet to work out depending on the specific service.

    More info on directors blog

    NEWS Info VoIP and SIMs
    VoIP and SIMs
    May 04, 02:52 PM (10¾ months ago)
    We are still working on a number of the minor details, but we now have the main ordering in place for the new SIP2SIM service. Please let the Trial team ( know of any issues ordering or using the new service. We have physical SIMs to ship (with nano SIM knock out) and instant eSIMs now. We expect data allowances soon, and more flexibility with numbers linked to SIMs.

    NEWS Info VoIP and SIMs
    VoIP and SIMs
    Jul 20, 08:00 PM (1½ years ago)
    Jul 18, 09:24 AM (1½ years ago)
    Between the 20th of July at 20:00 and the 21st of July at 06:00 voice SIM services should be considered "at risk" due to carrier planned maintenance. Some service disruption may occur as traffic is migrated between different paths.

    NEWS Info KCI
    Feb 06, 04:54 PM (2 years ago)
    May 03, 07:11 PM (1¾ years ago)
    We are retiring our use of the Twitter API. This means that tweets and DMs we send from our systems will no longer be sent - this includes Status Page updates and broadband up/down notifications. (Though the up/down notification DMs haven't been working for some time now.) We are looking into alternatives, such as Mastodon, and will announce that in due course. The new instance is We are also working on a bot, to handle posts from these status pages and the up/down direct messages. More on this will follow in due course.
    Resolution: All working nicely now.

    NEWS Info General
    Dec 22, 02:00 PM (6¼ years ago)
    We have started work on a programme to try and reduce the number of emails we send related to billing and new accounts. At this stage the main change is you should now see only one email where we are sending an invoice and corresponding direct debit notice at the same time to the same address, rather than two. After Christmas we should also be able to reduce the number of emails when ordering new services. If you have any queries and see anything unexpected, please do let up know.

    NEWS Info Opening Times
    Opening Times
    Dec 10, 09:00 AM (6¼ years ago)

    Here are our opening times over the Christmas and new year holidays:

    2018-12-24 Closing in the afternoon
    2018-12-25 Closed
    2018-12-26 Closed
    2018-12-27 Open 09:00 - 17:00
    2018-12-28 Open 09:00 - 17:00
    2018-12-29 Closed
    2018-12-31 Open 09:00 - 17:00
    2019-01-01 Closed
    2019-01-02 Back to normal hours

    When we're open, our staff will be available in all the usual ways (Telephone, email, SMS, IRC etc).

    NEWS Info General
    Nov 08, 01:11 PM (6¼ years ago)

    We are currently trialling a new invoice format for print and PDF invoices. We hope to have some customers seeing the new format from next month and ideally have everyone on it by the end of the year.

    For most people the layout is very much the same. If your invoice fits on one page, it will still do so. There are some very minor changes to letterhead and layout, and some information is bigger and clearer than before.

    Anyone that gets a multi-page invoice will immediately notice we are now putting a summary and invoice totals on page 1, making it easier to find what you actually owe. We hope you find this useful, and overall it means long invoices will be quite a lot shorter than before.

    The other change is much better support for unicode, including Polish characters (for example), and Chinese, and so on. We hope to eventually be able to cope with people's names from around the world with ease in all of our systems.

    As always the formal invoice remains the PGP signed plain text as emailed, these changes only impact the PDF and print versions. We are considering improvements to the plain text invoicing in the future.

    Invoices are still available via XML, and you may see some additional objects and attributes have been added in some places, as our new invoice formatting system uses the XML as its source!

    Any comments or questions, please do let us know.

    NEWS Info DNS, Email and Web Hosting
    DNS, Email and Web Hosting
    Aug 09, 04:00 PM (6½ years ago)
    We have enabled https on customer websites that are hosted by us, this is an experimental feature at the moment. There is no configuration that needs to be done by customers, it's enabled by default. We'd appreciate any feedback from customers on this.