Today we have re-launched our Office::1 package!
The Office::1 package is designed to be a complete Internet solution for a small/medium sized business. The package includes installation of three new lines, two for VDSL and one for ADSL, a configured and managed FireBrick FB2900 router, blocks of static IPv6 and IPv4 addresses as required and optional 3G/4G fail over.
The connectivity comprising of bonded VDSL circuits (usually via different back-haul carriers), fail-over to ADSL and 3G/4G are designed to keep the internet working in the event of faults occurring.
The FireBrick FB2900 routers will take care of the bonding and fail over and also has other functions that customers may find useful such as its VoIP PAPX and IPsec features.
More information here:
(Existing customers can move to the new package if/when their initial 12 month term has completed)