Following on from the problems this morning, TalkTalk are performing some emergency work overnight, tonight. The work will start at 10PM and will carry on through to 6AM. They say that their work before midnight should not impact circuits, but the work after midnight may cause some reconnects.
as of 02:15, TalkTalk's work is underway - they have taken down our link to them in Telehouse. This did cause lines to drop and reconnect. There may be further reconnects when they bring the port back up.
TalkTalk's planned work has failed and has turned in to an outage. Our port to them in Telehouse is still down. However, our customers are unaffected by this as our link to TalkTalk in our Equinix datacentre is working. We'll update this post as we receive updates from TalkTalk.
TalkTalk have just bought our Telehouse port back in to service - this has caused some lines to drop and reconnect.
Lines are still re-connecting... Those still down should be back up very soon.
TalkTalk seem to be forcing all lines to PPP reconnect, some lines are taking a few minutes to log back in. Lines not back online now should be on soon though.
TalkTalk lines still seem to be very happy. We've shut down our link to TalkTalk in Telehouse to force all lines through our other link.
Lines are looking stable now. Our Telehouse link is still down, we'll leave it that way until we get an all-clear from TalkTalk.
TalkTalk say they have restored the Telehouse service at their side. We will keep that link down for the moment as they may well schedule more work on it. Our TalkTalk services have been stable since 08:30.
TalkTalk say they have restored the Telehouse service at their side. We will keep that link down for the moment as they may well schedule more work on it. Our TalkTalk services have been stable since 08:30.
TalkTalk have emergency overnight work that failed and turned in to an outage causing circuits to drop. We took our Telehouse connection out of service and lines reconnected via our Equinix link and have been stable since 08:30. We'll leave the Telehouse link down for the moment in case TalkTalk schedule further work on it.