Our Network:
Major Outages


Minor Outages


Happening Now


Future Planned


Broadband blip graph

The graph shows the last few hours of logins and logouts of ADSL, VDSL, SIMs and L2TP circuits.

The current time is on the left. Green is login, red is logout.

If there are spikes, then this shows a large number of logouts, which may indicate an outage or planned work happening.

You can click on a spike to search for incidents or maintenance that were open around that time.

About our status page

This is the status page of Andrews & Arnold Ltd.

Our status page shows outages (problems) and maintenance (planned work) that happen on our own network and systems and also that of our suppliers networks and systems. We try and ensure this site is updated as soon as possible with incidents as they happen. Live discussion of issues is usually available on IRC.

The last update was 16 Oct 16:22:38

Contacting us
Our support number is 033 33 400 999, or you can email support@aa.net.uk or text 01344 400 999 to raise a support ticket.

Spotted a Major Service Outage? (MSO)
A Major Service Outage disrupts the service of multiple customers simultaneously. If you believe that a problem affects multiple customers, and is not mentioned here already, text the number above. Begin the text with "MSO". This alerts multiple staff immediately, waking them if necessary. False alarms (i.e. raising MSO for a single line being down) may result in your number being prevented from raising MSO alerts in future. More info.

Regular Maintenance
Thursday evenings, from 10pm, are designated as a general maintenance window where we will perform non-service affecting updates.